Postal Voting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To check if you're a registered voter:
If you have further inquiries, please email or
•What is the process of this year's elections?
The registered overseas voters in New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Samoa and Tonga will be following postal voting.
•Is postal voting by appointment or walk-in?
The Embassy will be mailing the respective ballots to our kababayans. No need to come to the Embassy to pick them up. Kindly note that due to the holidays in April, please expect some NZ Post delivery delays.
•I recently changed my address, how can I get my ballot?
The Embassy would greatly appreciate it if you can contact the lessor (landlord) of your previous residence to get your ballot.
•How can I mail my ballot?
The Embassy has included three (3) stamps inside your mailing packet. Please use these stamps when mailing your accomplished ballot back to us, to ensure that your vote can be counted.
•Can I drop off my ballot instead?
Yes, a ballot receptacle box will be provided at the Embassy for voters who wish to personally drop off their sealed accomplished ballots from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The last day of the casting of ballots is on May 9.
•Will the Embassy be open on the weekend of 7-8 May 2022?
Yes, the Embassy is open on weekends and holidays, for the entire voting period, until 9 May 2022,11:00 PM New Zealand time.
#Halalan2022 #postalvoting #IngatKabayan